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Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host primarily takes place in Anno Glorii 1980. The setting is first seen when Skepness Man takes Meanie Pixies and Merlin LeJoin there, to what later comes to be known as his favorite era.

Timeline of MarissaTheWriter stories (v d e)

Previous: Timeline of MarissaTheWriter stories/Anno Glorii#AG 1964-1978: Origins of Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry and Portal High School

Chapters 2-13[]

  • AG 1980: The majority of the events of Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host takes place. This ends up being Skepness Man's favorite era to travel to. [1]
    • January 17: Skepness Man, Meanie Pixies and Merlin LeJoin first arrive. They find Aranna Sorket in Portal High School. [2][3][1]
    • Another version of Skepness Man, here dubbed "Future Skepness Man", arrives. [4]
    • Skepness Man informs Aranna of Janet Roberts and co., causing Janet and Dick Stiller to appear in place of Meanie and Merlin. [2][1]
    • At some point, the two versions of Skepness Man have a conversation. [1]
    • Future Skepness Man is taken to Principal Business Man's office. [2][4]
    • Aranna informs Janet and Dick of where they are. [2]
    • Aranna is messaged by Lately Pirate. [5]
    • Mr. Sanpe confronts Lately Pirate for not being on the lists of Portal High School. He takes her to Principal Business Man. [5][4]
    • Principal Business Man, Skepness Man, Mr. Sanpe and Lately all enter a discussion. [5][4]
    • Lately and Skepness Man leave. They travel to the future to the Capitol. [5][4]
    • Skepness Man returns Lately to her own time. [4]
    • Janet and Dick encounter a teenage Avril Lavigne. [6]
    • Janet and Dick enter Principal Business Man's office. He is excited to teach them about the Anno Glorii system. [6]
    • At some point, Skepness Man arrives here. He has no particular aim to be here, until he is met by Skepkitty, who announces that he is transgender to him. [7]
    • Skepkitty and Skepness Man enter Principal Business Man's office. Skepkitty informs that he is transgender, while Skepness Man tells about the origins of the Anno Glorii system. [6][7]
    • Skepness Man is messaged by Violet Beauregarde (in actuality Marrissa Roberts in disguise), who, after having observed the conversation for a while, offers to be his mother. [6][7]
    • Violet (Marrissa) appears in Principal Business Man's office. She takes Skepness Man, Janet and Dick out, and the four go to Tbilisi, Georgia. [8][9][7]
  • In Tbilisi, Georgia:
    • Violet (Marrissa), Janet, Dick and Skepness Man arrive. However, Skepness Man has passed out, and has to be brought to Violet's house. [3][9]
    • Janet figures out that the person who appeared is Violet. [3][9]
    • Violet (Marrissa) puts Janet and Dick to sleep. After this, she goes to sleep herself. [3][9]
  • January 18, 7:14:11 AM: Janet wakes up. [3]
    • Violet (Marrissa) is called by Willy Wanker and Charlie Bucket. The conversation leads to them deciding she needs a second lesson. [3]
    • It is established that Violet (Marrissa) has adopted Skepness Man. She sends him off to Portal High School. [3]
    • Violet (Marrissa) plays with Skepness Man's time clock, which she confiscated. This sends her back to AG 1945. [3]
    • Janet and Dick blankly explore Violet (Marrissa)'s room. They find Violet's Golden Ticket. [10]
    • While reading the Golden Ticket, Janet and Dick are met by Willy Wanker and Charlie Bucket. The four go to Portal High School. [10]
    • Principal Business Man has learned about Violet, and is playing a song. Willy responds with his own song, which is disliked. [10]
    • Principal Business Man, Janet, Dick, Willy and Charlie go to AG 1945 to trace down Violet (Marrissa). [10]
    • Skepness Man enters Portal High School, and there meets Sectumsempra Sanpe. He is first recognized as a student of Portal High School. [11]
    • Aranna Sorket first meets Skepness Man. Their dialogue earns Aranna detention, and Skepness Man a difficult math equation. [11]
    • Lately Pirate attempts to help Aranna escape detention. She fails, being knocked far away from the city of Portal High School, and Mr. Sanpe expels Aranna. [11]
    • Mr. Sanpe hands Skepness Man a letter and sends him back to Tbilisi, Georgia. Despite better judgment, Skepness Man reads the letter. [11]
    • Principal Business Man returns. He knows of Aranna being expelled, and informs Lately of it. [12]
    • Principal Business Man locks Portal High School, with Janet and Dick inside. [12][13]
  • Around the time while Aranna is not a Portal High School student, a version of her from the future arrives, alongside Cranky Vasquez and Flashlight Girl. [14]
    • While Mr. Sanpe scolds Aranna, Cranky and Flashlight Girl enter a romance. Aranna's response is to take the rusty BMW they are in to the woods. [14]
    • Cranky and Flashlight Girl take hold of the travels. Their choice is to go to Belarus. [14]
  • In Tbilisi, Georgia:
    • Skepness Man returns with the letter. Violet (Marrissa) reads it, and writes her response. [12]
    • Violet (Marrissa) tells Skepness Man of her trip to the past. [12]
    • Violet (Marrissa) shares her passion of chewing gum with Skepness Man before going to sleep. [12]
  • Night from January 18 to 19: Janet and Dick deal with being trapped in Portal High School. [13]
    • Janet and Dick discover the extended underground part of Portal High School via a misplaced tile. [13]
    • Janet and Dick go to sleep. [13]
  • January 19: Principal Business Man unlocks Portal High School. He notices the misplaced tile, which alerts him to Janet and Dick's presence. [13]
    • Per Principal Business Man's request, Janet and Dick leave. They encounter the radically changed Skepness Man. [13]
  • In the Chocolate Factory:
    • Roxa Lavigne, Jack London, Willy and Charlie enter. [15]
    • Roxa and Jack first encounter Charlie's parents. [15]
    • Roxa and Jack explore the Chocolate Factory. Eventually, Roxa is messaged by Skepness Man, who alerts the Loompa-Oompa servants of Violet (Marrissa). [15]
    • Roxa and Jack attempt to escape the Chocolate Factory. They fail. [15]
  • Janet and Dick aimlessly wander around the vicinity of the city of Portal High School. [15]
  • Long after being accepted to Portal High School, Skepness Man's morale declines. He also first meets Mr. Lewis and CadenGallic. [16]
    • That day, Skepness Man returns to Violet (Marrissa)'s home. Violet is visited by Veruca Salt. [16]
    • Veruca first learns that Violet (Marrissa) has a kid. While she is reading Enchiridion Marrissa, Violet gets an idea to run her own tour, to feature herself, Veruca, Augustus Gloop, Mike Teavee and Skepness Man. [16]

Chapter 14: Violet's tour[]

  • Janet and Dick eventually find themselves in the Capitol. They are spotted by Roxa, Jack, Willy and Charlie, who take them to The Chocolate Factory. [16]
    • The six go to Television Room, where Violet (Marrissa)'s position is reported on Wonkavision News. [17]
  • February 2: Janet, Dick, Roxa, Jack, Willy and Charlie go to Tbilisi, Georgia. Violet (Marrissa)'s tour officially begins. [17][18]
    • Violet (Marrissa) reveals her own Chewing Gum Room, along with North Koreans and "the fake Violet". [17]
    • Augustus is "eliminated", as he begins drinking from the chocolate river of the Chewing Gum Room and is supported by the North Koreans. [17]
    • The tour moves on to the Invention Room. There, a robotic raven cuts out a part of Violet (Marrissa)'s hair; after a North Korean eats it, he becomes a giant blueberry. [17]
    • Willy and Charlie pull a prank on Violet (Marrissa), imitating her original blueberry inflation scene. This makes her pass out. A North Korean takes over the tour. [17]
    • During the tour, lights flicker off. When they go back on, Violet (Marrissa) is back to hosting the tour. Willy and Charlie leave the tour behind to trace her steps, and find the giant blueberry North Korean. [17]
    • Veruca is "eliminated" as she asks Violet (Marrissa) for a squirrel, and Violet delivers. [17]
    • Violet (Marrissa)'s tour encounters a glass elevator placed by Willy Wanker. Mike and "the fake Violet" use it to escape Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. [17]
    • Janet finds a spiral sucker that turns her into a trickster. She chases Violet (Marrissa), Roxa, Dick and Jack back to the Chewing Gum Room. [17]
    • Janet converts first the Chewing Gum Room then Roxa, Dick and Jack to trickster form. They are to be decommissioned in the Salt Room. [17]
    • A North Korean shows Violet (Marrissa) a newspaper by The Capitolian Critic with the headline "VIOLET BEAUREGARDE FOUND". [17]
    • Violet (Marrissa) begins the search for "the fake Violet". She also invites Janet and co. to live at her home. [19]
  • Mike and "the fake Violet" arrive at The Chocolate Factory, where Willy and Charlie are already waiting. [17]
    • Willy begins recognizing "the fake Violet" as a real Violet. [17]

Chapters 15-27[]

  • At some point, Wheatly brings Chell Junor Roberts to this era. [19]
  • After Violet (Marrissa)'s tour, Skepness Man goes to Portal High School. There, a parody of Gangnam Style based on Violet is playing. [19]
    • After calling out all the flaws of the song parody, Skepness Man is noticed by Chell Junor. He proceeds to run away from her. [19]
    • Skepness Man enters a conversation with Aranna Sorket. She suggests that he and Chell Junor love each other, and he dismisses the claim. [19]
  • A while later, Skepness Man attempts to enter a Math lesson, but fails as Mr. Sanpe has left Portal High School to go on a date with Violet (Marrissa). [20]
    • Skepness Man is messaged by Lately Pirate. She proceeds to block him over his wordiness. [20]
    • While Skepness Man deals with Lately, Aranna steps directly behind him. She scares Skepness Man, to the point where he breaks Mr. Sanpe's door. [20]
    • Chell Junor arrives at the scene with Skepness Man and Aranna. While Chell goes on about how he isn't like every other falmer troll, Aranna mentions Enchiridion Marrissa. [20]
    • Having heard his own book's name, Skepness Man gets up, before realizing that Chell Junor is still there and leaving. Aranna and Chell continue to discuss him. [20]
    • While they are discussing, Aranna is confronted by Principal Business Man, who insists that she is not on the lists. Aranna counters that Mr. Sanpe expelled her, leading to her re-admission. [20]
    • Business Man accidentally claims that he and Violet knew each other from childhood. [20]
  • At the time, Janet, Jack, Roxa and Dick are in Violet (Marrissa)'s room. [20]
    • Violet (Marrissa) returns from Alternate Timeline #1 and gives the alternate version of Skepness Man's time "clock" to Janet and co. [20]
    • Janet and co. travel to AG 2174. [20]
  • Janet, Roxa and Jack return from AG 2174. They enter a scene with Chell Junor and Skepness Man. Notably, Chell Junor uses her powers to go straight through Janet, Roxa and Jack. [21]
    • Janet, Roxa and Jack are met by Skepness Man, who is shocked at them having his time "clock". However, Roxa's breath makes him run away, bumping into Chell Junor. [21]
    • Chell Junor convinces Skepness Man to think twice about not dating a powerful human. However, before further interaction, they are led to the class by Mr. Sanpe. [21]
    • Dick Stiller returns from AG 2174, and runs from Tbilisi, Georgia to the city of Portal High School to reunite with Janet, Roxa and Jack. He explains how he got back. [21][22]
  • In the Chocolate Factory, Charlie, Willy, Mike and "the fake Violet" have a meeting. During the meeting, "the fake Violet" is unable to convince the others to follow her cause. [18]
    • Violet (Marrissa) appears in the Chocolate Factory and takes "the fake Violet" away to Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. [18]
    • At the time, Skepness Man and Chell Junor are in Tbilisi, Georgia. Skepness Man finds himself facing the locked gates of Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry, and Chell helps him through. [18]
    • In Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry, Skepness Man meets Violet (Marrissa). She tells him about the backstory of Tbilisi, Georgia and the chewing gum company. [18]
    • Skepness Man, in return, tells the story about himself and Chell Junor. By telling it, he inadvertently puts Violet (Marrissa) to sleep. [18]
    • Skepness Man finds footage of the tour. By rewatching it, he is able to find the spiral sucker that turns one into a trickster, and is implied to become one himself. [18]
  • Janet and co. find a poster for an event in City of Portal High School Center of Culture, organized by Taco Warner and Vi Hart. They attend the event. [22][23]
  • 24 hours later, the event is still going on, but Vi Hart has left, due to having counted to 1024, which is as high as she can count. Principal Business Man, who has been attending the event as well, tells that he wants her to be a Portal High School teacher, and after direction by Janet and co., leaves. [22][23]
  • Janet and co. return to Tbilisi, Georgia. [22]
  • Principal Business Man and Vi Hart discuss the possibility of admitting her as the Math teacher of Portal High School. However, due to Mr. Sanpe's position as the Math teacher, the request is denied. [23]
  • The next day, Ms. Hart has become a Music teacher of Portal High School. Skepness Man and Chell Junor attend, and Skepness Man in particular is able to explain the matter discussed by the teacher. [22][23]
    • Skepness Man and Chell Junor are teased about their relationship by Damned Librarian. They leave the class, and Aranna Sorket follows them. [22][23]
    • Aranna finally convinces Skepness Man that he is in love with Chell Junor. As they "were going to do naughty stuff at the city boundary", Aranna returns to Ms. Hart's class. [22]
  • Before the seven Fridays in a row: At some point, Principal Business Man gets sick of playing songs on Portal High School all the time. He puts on a radio from Welcome to Night Vale instead. [24]
    • Meanwhile, the host of Welcome to Night Vale, Cecil, enters the city of Portal High School. He is followed by the "hooded figures" (called "God Tiers" by Principal Business Man). [24][25]
    • Principal Business Man, after briefly arguing with Cecil, inexplicably leaves. Cecil continues his show. [24][25]
    • 9 PM: Before Violet (Marrissa) switches off the lights of her room, Roxa Lavigne escapes and goes to the city of Portal High School. There, she meets her mother, Avril Lavigne, as a teenager. [26]
    • During Cecil's radio show, 12 AM occurs, and we enter Friday 1/7. [25]
    • Carlos follows Cecil to the city of Portal High School. At the time, Cecil's radio show is nearly finished, and Business Man has locked Portal High School. [24]
    • Avril and Roxa's family reunion is interrupted by the street lights switching off. Scared, Roxa runs into Cecil, whose voice puts Roxa, Avril and Cecil to sleep. [26]
    • 5:55 AM: Cecil wakes up in Portal High School. Roxa and Avril also wake up due to his alarm. [26]
    • 6:00 AM: Cecil begins his morning program for the Welcome to Night Vale radio. Promptly, Principal Business Man kicks Cecil, Roxa and Avril out. [26]
    • On the way back to Tbilisi, Georgia, Roxa meets up with Janet, Jack and Dick. They all return to the city of Portal High School. [26]
  • March: In Tbilisi, Georgia: [24]
    • Skepness Man and Chell Junor are walking around when they spot four unfamiliar people. Those turn out to be various members of the Beauregarde family: namely, Violet's siblings, Klaus and Sunny M. Beauregardes, and their respective children, Faridae and Sacredust Beauregardes. [24]
    • Klaus and Sunny M. Beauregardes purport that Violet is imprisoned, and Violet (Marrissa) denies the claim. "The fake Violet" appears and recognizes Klaus and Sunny, but soon is teleported back to inside Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. [24]
    • Klaus and Sunny attempt to climb the gate to Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry, but are unsuccessful due to Violet (Marrissa)'s speshul powers. Violet only laughs at their misfortune. [24]
    • Klaus and Sunny finally outsmart Violet (Marrissa) and go through the staff entrance into Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. Maddened, Violet teleports them to Welcome to Night Vale. [26]
  • Skepness Man and Chell Junor first encounter SkyDoesMinecraft. [27]
    • Chell Junor first tells Skepness Man that she is pregnant (with their first child, Violet Beauregarde, Jr.). This news gets the attention of Principal Business Man, who, based on Skepness Man's perspective only, is unable to figure it out. [27]
  • Friday 2/7: Flashlight Girl is admitted to Portal High School. Her and Principal Business Man's encounter has made him forget that Chell Junor is pregnant. [27]
    • Due to her attitude being different from that of Skepness Man's, Flashlight Girl earns an F from Mr. Sanpe. This does not discourage her. [27]
    • Flashlight Girl meets Skepness Man and asks him for help, but he is only able to point her to his own works, which he has authographed copies of. Flashlight Girl reads them. [27]
    • Flashlight Girl is met by Lately Pirate. The encounter makes Lately run away, being afraid of what she calls "a female Cranky Vasquez". [27]
    • Flashlight Girl points her flashlight at the Moon. This causes her to be abducted by Moon aliens. [27]
  • Friday 3/7, "12:330 PM": Lately Pirate and Ben Stiller get married in the city of Portal High School. The event is advertised in Welcome to Night Vale. [25]
  • After the seven Fridays in a row, Principal Business Man admits Lately Pirate to Portal High School. [28]
    • After an incident in Mr. Stevens's class, Lately ends up throwing Aranna to the underground part of Portal High School. Aranna discovers Skepness Man's old equipment and uses it to traverse the Marrissaverse. [28]
    • Aranna uses Skepness Man's rusty BMW to go to the future, to Portal Labs. [28]
  • Janet and co. are in an unclear position. [28]
  • April 13: Floating arms around the world pick people up and throw them to unexpected places, such as the roof of Portal High School or the dog park in Welcome to Night Vale. [29]
    • Violet (Marrissa), assuming Klaus and Sunny are in the dog park, admits Faridae and Sacredust to Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. She immediately receives questions about her identity. [29]
    • Klaus and Sunny, able to concentrate on Violet (Marrissa)'s speshul powers, make it to Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry from Welcome to Night Vale. [29]
    • Violet proceeds to teleport Klaus, Sunny, Faridae and Sacredust to Welcome to Night Vale. [29]
    • At the time, Cecil and Carlos are in Tbilisi, Georgia, where the Rejected People Orphanage once used to be. They kiss inside, and Violet (Marrissa) interrupts them. However, she quickly returns to producing more chewing gum flavors. [29]
    • Cecil receives a call from Intern Dana, who at the time is in Welcome to Night Vale Radio Station. Dana misassumes that Cecil and Violet (Marrissa) are in a romance. [29]
    • Violet (Marrissa), having finished making her chewing gum flavors, separates Cecil and Carlos. She then proceeds to go out with Mr. Sanpe. [29]
  • Aranna, Cranky and Flashlight Girl visit Portal High School at this point in time. They receive negative remarks from both Skepness Man and Mr. Sanpe. [14]
  • Janet and co. are allowed to live in Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. [14]
    • Janet and co. encounter an "icky brown liquid" on the floor of the Inventing Room in Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. It turns out to be able to swap the bodies of the people who drink it. [14]
    • Violet (Marrissa) finds the icky brown liquid herself. She bottles it up and uses a "Laser of Reversal" to restore any damage that the icky brown liquid may have caused, while at the same time vowing to never speak of the event again. [14]
  • Principal Business Man has begun a romance with Glaveria Mellark, who, in the future, is to become Principal GLaDOS. [30]
    • Principal Business Man, given that he is a time traveller, knows in advance that Skepness Man and Chell Junor are going to propose to each other. He highly anticipates the moment. [30]
    • Skepness Man and Chell Junor propose to each other. Principal Business Man immediately begins preparing for the wedding, sending out invitations to most other major Marrissaverse characters. [30]
    • Janet and co. receive an invitation to Skepness Man and Chell Junor's wedding. [30]
  • In The Chocolate Factory, Charlie Bucket and Willy Wanker are having trouble running the factory, as the Loompa-Oompa servants have switched allegiance to Violet. [30]
    • Charlie and Willy receive an invitation to Skepness Man and Chell Junor's wedding. They refuse to go, but are confronted by two robots disguised as them (who turn out to be Atlas and P-Body and GLaDOS respectively), who go to the wedding instead. [30][31]

Chapter 28: Skepness Man and Chell Junor's wedding[]

  • June 12, 9 AM: The wedding ceremony begins. Most other major Marrissaverse characters, including those from earlier stories such as Wheatly and Ring Mater, attend. [30][31]
    • Skepness Man and Chell Junor declare their vows to each other, as orchestrated by Oracle Turrent. Thus, the wedding is completed. [31]
    • Principal Business Man initiates a graduation ceremony. Both Skepness Man's and Chell Junor's all grades at graduation are As. [31]
    • The party in Portal High School begins. Janet and co. encounter Cecil, Carlos, Mr. Lewis and Lately Pirate. [31]
    • Janet encounters a Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry stand, where Violet is supposedly offering her chewing gum. However, a mishap with speshul powers finally reveals that "Violet" was really Marrissa Roberts. [31]
    • Marrissa goes on a rant about how she claimed Violet's identity, revealing that "the fake Violet" is attending as well. Finishing her speech, Marrissa attempts to punch Skepness Man, but instead punches Willy Wanker, who is revealed to have been GLaDOS. [31]
    • Marrissa and GLaDOS enter a speshul power-fueled fight. Doormat Medigo and Mitt Romney Cape-Torn end up distracting them, and Marrissa teleports them to Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. [31]
    • Marrissa and GLaDOS continue their fight. During the fight, GLaDOS opens a black hole which proceeds to destroy most of Portal High School and makes all other attendants of the wedding run away, except for "the fake Violet". [31]
    • "The fake Violet" receives the "Swirly B" pin that Marrissa used to own. She assumes that she now owns Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry, and leaves. [31]
    • Marrissa finally wins the fight between herself and GLaDOS by making GLaDOS enter her own black hole, which in turn explodes. Marrissa then teleports its remains to the time of the dinosaurs. [31]
    • Charlie Bucket reveals himself to have been Atlas and P-Body. They shoot Marrissa, but she deflects the bullets back to them and they die. [31]
    • Marrissa brings an alternate timeline Portal High School to this time. She even gets Skepness Man and Chell Junor's diplomas, which Principal Business Man then hands to their owners. [31]
    • Marrissa teleports Janet and co. to the Capitol. [31]
    • Skepness Man, Chell Junor, Marrissa and "the fake Violet" go to Tbilisi, Georgia, where Marrissa announces the succession of Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry, and "the fake Violet" assumes that she is Skepness Man's mother. Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host ends here. [31]

Parody of a Parade[]

  • After the events of Spectators of the Host, Chell Junor is dissatisfied with Marrissa's verdict. The two have a speshul power fight, which Chell Junor wins. [32]
    • Marrissa allows Chell Junor and Skepness Man to co-run Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry instead. [32]
  • AG 1980, June 13: Skepness Man stands outside Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. He is confronted by Chell Junor and the narrator of Post-SCrash Session 4: Parody of a Parade. [33]
    • Skepness Man and Chell Junor enter Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. There, Skepness Man makes a "crank call" to Wanker's chocolate factory, but gets no response, as the factory is on lockdown. [34][33]
  • At some point during the summer break of AG 1980: The Capitol house in which Janet and co. lived is transported to the city of Portal High School by Chell Junor. [34]

Next: Timeline of MarissaTheWriter stories/Anno Glorii#AG 1984-1992: Downfall of Portal High School


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Additional Discoveries on Marrissaverse History, "Chapter 12: Brightness"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 2: Belorussians Reunited"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 7: A Cold Landing"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Additional Discoveries on Marrissaverse History, "Chapter 19: Melancholy"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 3: Aranna Sorket in the Future"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 4: Portal High School, Class of 1980 AG"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Additional Discoveries on Marrissaverse History, "Chapter 20: Transgender"
  8. Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 5: A Brave New World"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Living Someone Else's Life, "Chapter 2: Perfect Moment to Strike"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 8: The Lucky Finders"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 9: A Cold Landing, Part 2"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 10: In a Warmer Note"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 11: Professional Door Breakers"
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 26: Life Goes On, Part 2"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 12: Pure Imagination"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 13: Another Rotten Child"
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 17.12 17.13 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 14: Violet's Tour"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 19: Pure Imagination, Part 2"
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 15: The First Meeting"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 17: A Wee Bit Paranoid"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 18: Tbilisi, The Ghost Town Nation"
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 20: Two Time Clocks"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Intermission 2: Script for Vi Hart"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 21: Welcome Guests from Night Vale"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Intermission 3: Script for Welcome to Night Vale"
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 22: Roxa Lavigne, Subordinate of No One"
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 23: More New People"
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 24: Interspatial BFFsies"
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 25: Life Goes On"
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 27: The Proposal"
  31. 31.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 31.04 31.05 31.06 31.07 31.08 31.09 31.10 31.11 31.12 31.13 31.14 Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host, "Chapter 28: The Wedding"
  32. 32.0 32.1 Marrissaverse Stories 2015, "Chapter 1: Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry and an Old Guest"
  33. 33.0 33.1 Post-SCrash Session 4: Parody of a Parade (fanventure)
  34. 34.0 34.1 MarrissaTheWriter Complete Anthology, Post-SCrash Session 4: Parody of a Parade (Teaser)
Timeline of MarissaTheWriter stories (v d e)